Fire door inspection and remedial advice

It a legal requirement as part of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to ensure that fire resisting doors and escape doors are correctly installed and appropriately maintained to be fit for purpose. The Fire and Rescue Authorities have the power to enforce the Fire Safety Order and can prosecute or prohibit the use of part or all of the building where breaches of the regulations occur. Building owners need ‘competent persons’ to help them comply with fire door regulations.
FSEC can undertake inspections on any commercial building to give you a full assessment of your fire doors, this ensures your fire doors are maintained to the legal safety standard.
Fire Doors quite simply stop the spread of fire and smoke in the event of a fire and give occupants that critical extra time needed to reach an escape route. However that is of course providing they are all in good working order!
After Grenfell, it was identified that the fire doors installed did not hold back fire for
anywhere near the legal minimum standard of 30 minutes.
Fire doors should comply with BS 476 and should be checked under article 17 of the Fire Safety Order 2005, with BS 9999 2017, section I.6.2 stating a 6 monthly check and central Gov (MHCLG) recommending every quarter!
Fire Doors can be on risers, cupboards, rooms where you have a high risk (plant rooms etc), etc and they can be either timber or metal.
Therefore, failure to keep your doors well maintained is not only part of the British Standards, but it is covered under criminal law!
The Regulatory Reform Order (2005) Article 17 specifically states that it is a legal requirement to ensure that fire resisting doors and escape doors are correctly installed and adequately maintained in order for them to be fit for purpose and the responsibility to ensure this happens falls on whoever has day-to-day control of premises (Responsible Person).
At FSEC UK, we can demonstrate full competency with our assessors as well as demonstratable years of experience across fire engineering, Building Control, active and passive systems. We can not only inspect, assess and report on your doors, but offer advice on wider possible issues we may come across including compartmentation and fire strategy.
We use the latest electronic reporting to record each door and check/measure no less than 20 different points to give you a comprehensive survey. Upon completion we file the report to a secure server, then have the report audited by a thirdrd party before issuing.